    2017-2-13 19:42:14

    产品软文是网络营销中的重要部分,一篇好软文可以用较少的投入,提高产品的美誉度和知名度,将潜在的消费者转化为真正的消费者。那么,什么样的软文更能吸引大家阅读下去?有利于济南网站优化 http://www.jngenan.com/的进行?Soft products is an important part in network marketing, a good soft Wen can use less investment, improve product reputation and visibility, the potential customers into real customers. So, what kind of soft Wen can attract people to read it? Ji'nan website optimization?

    一是知识型软文。随着互联网的深入人心,大家越来越喜欢从网上获取信息、学习知识。知识型软文就是以传播企业和产品相关的知识为主,在传播知识的同时,将广告信息有机结合,具有针对性。First, the knowledge of soft wen. With the popularity of the Internet, more and more people like to get information from the Internet, learning knowledge. Knowledge of soft text is to spread the knowledge of enterprises and products based, in the dissemination of knowledge at the same time, will be an organic combination of advertising information, targeted.

    二是经验型软文。通过经验分享,利用互惠原理和从众心理来引导用户。Two is the experience of soft wen. Through experience sharing, using the principle of reciprocity and herd mentality to guide users.

    三是行业型软文。要点在于利用行业最新动态,体现整个行业的趋势以及自己品牌的优势。平庸的文案在卖产品,优秀的文案在塑造品牌。Three is the industry type soft wen. The point is the use of the latest trends of the industry, reflects the trend of the industry as a whole and its own brand advantage. Mediocre copy in the sale of products, excellent copy in shaping the brand.

    四是爆料、免费型软文。从心理学的角度看,人或多或少都有点窥探欲,都渴望知道别人的一些隐私,或了解一些别人不知道的东西。Four broke the news, free soft wen. From a psychological point of view, people are more or less a bit prying, eager to know some of the privacy of others, or to understand some people do not know.

    五是脑洞大开型软文。这种软文就是一个有趣味性的故事,但中间会有让人意想不到的神转折,和读者最初的想法有着极大的差距。Five is the brain hole wide open soft wen. This kind of soft Wen is an interesting story, but there will be an unexpected turn of God, and the reader's original ideas have a great gap.

    六是情感型软文。人都有感性与脆弱的一面,说不准哪一个点就能戳中其痛点或泪点。Six is the emotional soft wen. People have emotional and vulnerable side, which is not allowed to point to point the point of pain or tears.

    上述六种类型并不是软文类型的全部,在工作和生活中,还有更多写软文的方式等待我们去发掘并学习。These six types are not all types of soft Wen, in the work and life, there are more ways to write soft text waiting for us to explore and learn.

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