    2017-2-18 8:49:23

    什么叫好的外链平台?什么样的外链平台有助于济南网站优化的提升?What is a good chain platform? What kind of the chain platform to help promote the optimization of Ji'nan website?

    1.能发锚文本链接。最好不需要升级,或者只发几个帖子就能够升级到能发外链的级别。Anchor text link. It is best not to upgrade, or only a few posts can be upgraded to the level of the chain can send.

    2.好注册。不需要手机号,没有乱七八糟的限制。Good registration. Don't need a phone number, no mess.

    3.不容易删帖和封号。动不动就删帖,留不住的没有意义。Not easy to delete posts and titles. Dynamic delete posts, can not afford to stay meaningless.

    4.收录率高。最好当天收录率就高,或者过几天收录率高也可以。High coverage. The best day of the collection rate is high, or a few days can also be included.
    好的外链平台应该去哪里找?Good chain platform should go where to find?

    1.在发过外链的平台上,找其他人在哪发外链。In the hair outside the chain of the platform, looking for other people in the hair of the chain.

    2.找外链代发网站的案例,看看都在哪些平台发。Find the chain site on behalf of the case, to see in what platform.

    3.找一些排名靠前做济南网站优化的站,看看外链情况。Look for some of the rankings do Ji'nan website optimization, look at the chain.

    4.找一些SEO公司的案例,看看外链情况。Look for some SEO company case, look at the chain.

    5.和同行交换外链平台资源。And peer exchange platform resources chain.

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